Balkan Strombaject Aqua 10 ml


  • Packing type Vials
  • Release form 10 ml 50mg/ml
  • Active ingredient stanozolol
  • Country Moldova
  • Activity about 48 hours
  • Classification Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids (injectable)
  • Dosages Men 50-100 mg/day
  • Acne Rarely
  • Water retention
  • High blood pressure Rare
  • Aromatization No, it is a derivative of DHT
  • DHT conversion No
  • Suppression of HPTA function Weak


Balkan Strombaject Aqua 10 ml injections for strength and drying

Strombaject Aqua, produced by Balkan Pharmaceuticals, a pharmaceutical company from Moldova, is one of the most popular steroids among bodybuilders, weightlifters, powerlifters and other representatives of heavy sports. With the help of this drug, you can quickly gain a significant mass of dry muscles, increase strength and endurance, accelerate recovery after training.

The main component of the drug is stanozolol, which has a high anabolic index. Due to the low androgenic activity, even girls can buy Balkan Strombaject Aqua 10 ml without fear of virilization.

Anabolic also has fat-burning properties and quickly removes excess fluid from the body, which makes it in demand among athletes during drying and preparing for competitions.

The steroid is available in 10 ml vials. The drug is administered intramuscularly into the body, which minimizes its toxic effect on the liver. The half-life of Strombaject Aqua is approximately 48 hours, which means that it quickly begins to act and is quickly eliminated from the body.

Strombaject Aqua Efficiency

Balkan has become one of the leaders in the global sports pharmacology market thanks to the success of injectable stanozolol. This steroid is in high demand among athletes from all over the world. Many have already tried its effect on themselves. The price of Balkan Strombaject Aqua 10 ml is considered relatively low, especially considering the almost complete absence of side effects.

Anabolic is one of the safest, because it is not subject to the aromatization process. In addition, the drug does not cause failure due to its anti-catabolic effect.

The effect of taking a steroid is:

  • a significant increase in quality muscles,
  • increase in strength indicators,
  • accelerated recovery of the body,
  • burning subcutaneous fat,
  • drying muscle tissue
  • relief and elasticity of muscles,
  • manifestation of venousness.

In our online store you can buy Balkan Strombaject Aqua 10 ml, as well as other steroids at an affordable price. If you need qualified assistance in choosing an anabolic, our consultants will be happy to help you.


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