Powertropin 10 IU (Pavertropin)


  • Release form 10 IU


Powertropin quality growth hormone

Among the huge selection of sports pharmaceuticals to achieve various sports goals, growth hormone deserves special attention. In bodybuilding, it is most often used to quickly gain muscle mass without water retention. In addition, growth hormone does not cause androgenic side effects, so more and more bodybuilders are seeking to buy Powertropin.

The basis of this drug is the action of growth hormone somatropin, which in the human body is produced by the pituitary gland. Since after the age of 21 its natural synthesis is significantly reduced, cells begin to grow much more slowly. Povertropin, in turn, accelerates their growth and improves metabolism, due to which a rapid increase in muscle mass is achieved. It is noteworthy that the price of Powertropin is considered average in the market.

The drug is available in 10 IU bottles filled with powder. Before taking it is necessary to prepare a solution of somatotropin in bactericidal water. The average dosage is 5-10 mg per day, however, you need to calculate the dosage regimen individually.

What to expect from Powertropin (Pavertropin)?

In addition to the anabolic effect, which already justifies the cost of Powertropin, this drug has other positive effects that are highly valued in the sports environment. So, on the course of somatotropin, you can achieve the following results:

  • increase a significant amount of muscle tissue,
  • get the pumping effect,
  • speed up metabolic processes in the body,
  • activate the processes of splitting fats,
  • strengthen bones and joints,
  • accelerate regeneration after training and injuries,
  • improve the condition of the blood.

You can buy Powertropin (Pavertropin) of the original production in our online store. We also have a large assortment of anabolics, steroids for drying and fat burning, as well as drugs for PCT. Our consultants are always ready to help with the choice of the necessary product and dosage calculation.


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