Balkan Cipandrol 1ml (Testosterone Cypionate)


  • Packing type Ampoules
  • Release form 1 ml in ampoules 200mg/ml
  • Active ingredient testosterone cypionate
  • Country Moldova
  • Activity 15-16 days
  • Classification Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids
  • Dosages Men 200-1000 mg/week
  • Acne Yes
  • Water retention High
  • High blood pressure yes
  • Aromatization High
  • Hepatotoxicity Low, excluding megadoses
  • DHT conversion Yes, high
  • Inhibition of HPTA function Strong


Balkan Testosterona C mass growth and strength

For many years, Balkan Pharmaceuticals has been confidently on its feet and has been producing high-quality AAS. Bodybuilders of any sports experience willingly use the company's products and speak positively about them. At the same time, if they need a steroid that allows them to accelerate muscle growth, then most likely their choice will be to buy Balkan Testosterona C.

The basis of the anabolic testosterone is cypionate. This oily ester of the male hormone is loved by athletes for a fairly long-term effect. Due to its structure, it has acquired a half-life of 7-8 days. Due to this, injections are sufficient once a week. In addition, the pleasant price of Balkan Testosterona C complements its advantages.

Anabolic is produced in ampoules of 1ml / 200mg. Due to this form of release, it is not toxic to the liver and there are practically no side effects from it. However, due to its high androgenic activity, it is not recommended for women to take it. Also, it is important to follow the regimen of administration and dosage, and at the end of the course, undergo a PCT.

Efficacy of Balkan Testosterone C

The only negative aspect of AAS is its tendency to aromatize.But, if you combine its intake with aromatase inhibitors, then this disadvantage is easily eliminated. Otherwise, Balkan Testosterona C offers many effects for its price:

  • muscle growth,
  • increase in endurance and strength,
  • increased libido,
  • strengthening bones and joints,
  • acceleration of regeneration processes,
  • manifestation of motivation.

You can buy Balkan Testosterona C in our online store in just a couple of clicks or with one call. Our experts will answer all your questions and help you find what you need. All products presented on our website are original production and meet quality standards.


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