SP Supertest (Supertest) 450 10ml


  • Packing type Vials
  • Release form 10 ml in a vial 450 mg / ml
  • Country Moldova


SP Supertest (Supertest) effective injections for muscle growth

Most of the sports pharmacology market is occupied by AAS, aimed at increasing muscle mass. Especially in demand among them are steroids that help build high-quality muscles. If you need just such a drug, you should definitely buy SP Supertest.

The steroid is based on five esters of testosterone acetate, phenylpropionate, decanoate, propionate and cypionate. Each substance has a different half-life and exhibits different properties. Thus, the use of AAS can achieve significant results with relatively rare injections. With all this, the price of SP Supertest remains affordable for everyone. However, it must be taken with caution. In particular, it is not recommended to be taken by women and novice athletes.

Anabolic is produced in 10 ml vials of 450 mg / ml. Although it is practically harmless to the liver, it has a number of side effects. Most often, they are associated with a violation of the hormonal background, so after the course it is necessary to pass tests and undergo a PCT. Also, taking AAS should be combined with antiestrogen due to its tendency to aromatize.

Action SP Supertest

Basically anabolic is popular among professional bodybuilders and amateur athletes. With it, you can train more intensely and, accordingly, build muscle faster. On average, in one course it is possible to gain up to 6 kg of high-quality muscle mass. At the same time, the cost of SP Supertest is fully consistent with its effects:

  • acceleration of muscle growth,
  • surge of strength and endurance,
  • improved metabolism,
  • increased appetite,
  • increased libido,
  • fast tissue regeneration.

You can always buy SP Supertest in our online sports pharmacology store. We guarantee the authenticity and quality of the products provided. Also, we have qualified specialists who can help you with any questions regarding the use of anabolics and drugs for PCT.


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